Listed below are the significant errata from both Deadlands: Reloaded and The Flood.

Player’s Handbook

p.40 Knack

Replace the last paragraph under "Born on All Hallow's Eve" with:
A huckster with this knack can discard a Fate Chip and make a successful Spirit roll to avoid Backfire after making a poker hand to cast a hex (see page 78). With a success, he is just Shaken as for Backlash, and with a raise, he avoids it completely.

p.54 Gatling weapons

The Gatling Pistol and Rifle should both be .45 caliber. Gatling Pistol damage should be 2d6+1.

Add the following footnote to the Gatling Weapons table: Gatling weapons cannot fire single shots and must use their full Rate of Fire

p.54 Weapons Table

Remove the ", SBT" from the Scattergun entry.

Replace "Special" with "Str+d4" under Damage for Whip.

p.58 The Way of the Brave

Replace "Str+10 becomes d12+7" with "Str+10 becomes d12+5"

No Man’s Land

p.73 Using Miracles
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Name the power you’re trying to create and tell the Marshal what Rank it is. Your blessed hero says a short prayer and you make a Faith roll. Modify the roll by –2 per Rank (–2 for Novice powers, –4 for Seasoned, and so on). The Marshal can apply an additional negative modifier if he feels what you are praying for runs contrary to the tenets of your belief. So be careful what you pray for!

A blessed hero cannot maintain a power beyond its base duration, but if they get a raise on the Faith roll, the power’s duration is doubled (this has no effect on Instant, Concentration, and Permanent powers).

Add the following:
Blessed with the Holy Warrior Edge activate it as a Novice Rank power. Also, the Edge works against characters with AB (Black Magic).

p.74 Voodoo
Replace preparation time for voodooists with the following:
With a Faith of d4, the ritual must last at least 4 hours. For each die type above d4, the time required is reduced by 30 minutes.

p.76 Voodoo (cont.)
Replace the second paragraph with:
The upside to the inconvenience of nightly rituals is that Voodoo practitioners gain access to powers that other blessed characters do not. Most of these powers deal with curses, control, and contacting loas, the bread and butter of Voodoo. The additional powers are curse, fear, mind rider, puppet, vision quest, and zombie.

p.79 The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Replace “The hex goes off as he’d hoped. Depending on the power he’s using, he may still have to make a roll to hit, or to figure the result of his hex, but the power points are paid by the Manitou.”

He still needs to make a Spellcasting roll to determine success, but the power points are paid by the manitou. With a Flush or better, success is automatic, but a Spellcasting roll may still be needed to hit or in the case of an opposed roll (the huckster gains a +4 bonus for the Flush).

p.82 Playing a Shaman
In the first paragraph, insert that the Arcane Background (Shamanism) works like the Arcane Background (Miracles) from the Savage Worlds rules.

Change the last paragraph from...
“Shamans begin with 15 Power Points instead of the usual 10. As long as the shaman is in the wilds, sleeps under the stars, is warmed by an open fire, or otherwise away from “civilization,” he regains Power Points at a rate of one every 30 minutes.”
“Shamans still begin with 2 powers, but get 15 Power Points instead of the usual 10. As long as the shaman is in the wilds, sleeps under the stars, is warmed by an open fire, or otherwise away from “civilization,” he regains Power Points at twice his usual rate.”

p.82 Following the Old Ways
Remove drinking firewater from the minor transgression list.

p.83 Fetish Creator
Requirement is listed as Faith d8+. Should read Tribal Medicine d8+

p.84 Alchemy
Replace text of Edge with the following:
This character can make potions from his powers as well as devices. The downside is they must be prepared ahead of time.

The alchemist has half his normal Power Points per known power to divide among as many potions as he wishes. Extra points may be put into a potion to maintain the duration up to that limit. The alchemist can brew potions for each power he knows.

Brewing a potion requires a chemistry set and 30 minutes per power. At the end of the brewing process, the alchemist must make a Weird Science roll. Failure means the potion is ruined. Success indicates it will work when used, and raises work as usual. Attack powers require a Throwing roll to hit (range of 3/6/12), and opposed powers require a normal success to resist (or -2 with a raise). Otherwise, no roll is needed to use a potion.

p.86 Superior Kung Fu
Add to the end of the second paragraph:
A character can only benefit from one style during his action, but can change styles as a free action at the start of a turn.

Replace the second paragraph under "Eagle Claw" with...
Your unarmed Fighting attacks now inflict Str+d4 damage at AP 2.

p.87 Superior Kung Fu
Replace the section under "Shaolin Temple:" that says, "...your hero’s Fighting attacks inflict Str+d6 damage." with "...your hero’s unarmed Fighting attacks inflict Str+d6 damage."

p.87 Superior Kung Fu
Replace the second paragraph under "Wing Chun" with...
As long as your hero is attacking unarmed, he may make one additional Fighting attack at no penalty.

p.91 Curse
Replace the first two sentences in the second paragraph with...
To use this particularly nasty spell, the caster pits his arcane skill against the victim's Spirit. If the caster is successful, the victim becomes sick and might even die.

Replace the last sentence in the second paragraph with...
Once he becomes Incapacitated, he makes a Vigor roll each day to avoid death; a raise on any of these rolls ends the curse.

Replace the third paragraph with...
The curse can be lifted by the original caster or use of dispel. Once ended by any means, Fatigue is recovered at one level per 24 hours.

Change “Houngans and Mambos only” to “voodooists only.”

Change "Shaman: Not available." to "Shaman: The shaman asks the healing spirits to abandon the target."

p.91 Detect/Conceal Arcana
Change “Blessed: No visible effect." to “Blessed: not available."

p.93 Entangle
Change “Blessed: No visible effect." to “Blessed: not available."

p.94 Fear
Change “Blessed: not available” to “Blessed: Voodooists only.”

p.98 Mind Rider
Change “Blessed: not available” to “Blessed: Voodooists only.”

p.98 Protection
Change “must present the symbol or suffer a -2 penalty to their Faith roll.” to “gain a +2 bonus to their faith roll if they present the symbol.”

p.99 Puppet
Change “Blessed: not available” to “Blessed: Voodooists only.”

p.99 Sanctify
Change “Duration: Concentration" to "Duration: Permanent unless desecrated"

p.102 Telekinesis
Replace the last paragraph with, "Victims who are bashed into walls or other solid objects suffer the caster’s Spirit+d6 as damage."

p.103 Vision Quest
Change “Blessed: not available” to “Blessed: Voodooists only.”

p.104 Wilderness Walk
Change “Blessed: No visible effect." to “Blessed: not available."

p.105 Zombie
Change “A huckster or houngan...” to “A mad scientist or houngan...”

Marshal’s Section

p.127 Veteran o’ the Weird West – Jack:Infected
Change “Ailin’” to “Ailin’ (Major)

p.129 The Harrowed
Change the fourth paragraph to read:
This means manitous are more likely to Harrow heroes with a colorful past. When a hero dies, shuffle up the Action Deck and deal one card per point of Grit the hero has. If a Joker comes up, the hombre’s on his way back from the boneyard. Of course, crawling out of your own grave is no picnic, and when it happens, the deader suffers terrifying dreams. Read the character’s Worst Nightmare description and figure out a way to turn that into a nightmare scenario based on the hero’s worst fears.

p.131 Harrowed Abilities
Change “The only exceptions to this are powers gained from the Arcane Background (Miracles) Edge” to “The exceptions to this are powers from the Arcane Background (Miracles) and Arcane Background (Shamanism) Edges.”

p.161 The Coyote Confederation Encounter Table
Entry 3 – change “Skin Shifter” to “Skinwalker”

p.165 The Wild Southwest Encounter Table
Entry 8 – change “Mexican Dragon” to “Prairie Ticks”

p.169 Union Blue
Change the following paragraph, "Union Blue runs just south of the Sioux Nations, and as you might expect, Chamberlain is often forced to build spurs into the Disputed Territories in order to bring in much needed revenue. With the cessation of hostilities, however, he can no longer rely on Union troops to protect his rolling stock in the Disputed Territories, and his coffers are running low." to...

"Union Blue runs just south of the Wasatch line while in Union territory, and Chamberlain was forced to build into the Disputed Territories when Wasatch reached the strip of land south of the Sioux Nations first. Previously, he could rely on Union troops to protect his rolling stock in the Disputed Territories, but with the cessation of hostilities, he has to hire protection, and his coffers are running low."

p.171 Wasatch
Replace "...the railroad is now hemmed in by Black River to the South and Union Blue to the North." with "...the railroad is now hemmed in by Union Blue to the South and the Sioux Nations to the North."

p.171 Peace in our Time?
Replace "He’s more than happy to accept the ghost rock shipping contract from both the North and the South, and is in prime position to do so, as his line is laid almost exclusively through the disputed territories." with...

"He’s more than happy to accept the ghost rock shipping contract from both the North and the South, and is in prime position to do so, as his line is the only one headquartered in an independent nation."

p.197 Hangin’ Judge
Parry should be 10

p.215 Sasquatch
Throwing should be a d6.

p.229 Humans
Replace the Humans introductory paragraph with the following:
Not all of the threats the posse faces in the Weird West are spawned by the Reckoners. Here’s a selection of the various types of people found throughout the Weird West. As a rule, the statistics presented here are a baseline. Don’t be afraid to give a slick talking gunfighter the Persuasion skill, for example. Unless otherwise stated, Arcane Background (Black Magic) works exactly like Arcane Background (Magic) from the SW rulebook. Wild Card NPCs have Grit equal to half their number of Edges.

p.230 Cult Leader
Replace Faith with Spellcasting and Arcane Background (Miracles) with Arcane Background (Black Magic). Add “Powers: Boost/lower Trait, dispel, fear. Power Points: 20

p.232 Indian Shaman
Replace Power Points Edge with New Power Edge

p.232 Indian Shaman
Replace Bolt power with Armor

p.234 Black River
Replace Arcane Background (Spells) with Arcane Background (Black Magic)

p.234 Ranger
Replace Brave Edge with True Grit

p.238 Doc Holliday
Replace Brave Edge with True Grit

p.239 Raven
Replace “Give these impostors the black magic equivalent of Arcane Background (Faith) and choose five powers to which shamans normally have access. They have 25 Power Points.” with “Like Raven, they have the black magic equivalent of Arcane Background (Shamanism). The impostors have five powers to which shamans normally have access and have 25 Power Points.”

p.240 Raven (cont.)
Under Powers, replace “Savage Worlds” with “this book”

p.244 Wild Bill Hickok
Under Edges, remove Supernatural Trait (Shooting). Add Expert (Shooting) and Professional (Shooting).

p.245 Baron Simone LaCroix
Edges: replace Soul Drain with Conviction

Chual: replace the second sentence with: “This link normally means he only suffers a –1 penalty per power Rank, but he can also assume a limited portion of the Reckoners’ power (too much would destroy him from the inside out).”

p.248 Kang
Change Arcane Background (Magic) to Arcane Background (Black Magic)

p.249 Mina Devlin
Change Arcane Background (Magic) to Arcane Background (Black Magic)
Persuasion and Spellcasting skills should both be d12+2
Add the Snakeoil Salesman Edge
Remove "Agility" under Whip and add "d8+d4" for damage.

p.252 Available Powers by Arcane Background
Miracles (Blessed): replace list with:
Aim, Armor, Barrier, Beast Friend, Boost/Lower Trait, Deflection, Dispel, Elemental Manipulation, Environmental Protection, Exorcism, Gambler, Greater Healing, Healing, Inspiration, Light, Protection, Quickness, Sanctify, Smite, Speak Language, Stun, Succor, Windstorm

Curse, Fear, Mind Rider, Puppet, Vision Quest, Zombie (Voodooists only)

Magic (Hucksters)
Remove “Fly”

Shamanism (Shamans)
Add "Curse"

The Flood

Add "Ignores Shield Parry and Cover bonus" under Notes for Nunchaku.

p.180 Avenging Angels
Remove Arcane Background (Black Magic) Edge and add...

Special Abilities:
Arcane Initiation: Approximately one in ten Avenging Angels have learned some black magic from Grimme's elite. Give these characters a d6 in Spellcasting, 10 power points, and two to three powers.

p.181 Lt. Commander Horace Mosely
Change the Maze Rat Edge to Ace.

p.188 Shen Wan
Change Hindrances to Arrogant and Vow (Serve the King of the Horizon).